Please see our 'BUSINESS HOURS' for information on which holiday dates
we are closed or operating with reduced hours.
we are closed or operating with reduced hours.
Important Notice: Bookings, or alterations to bookings already made, will not be accepted via any method other than our Amendment / Cancellation Form. We will not accept verbal bookings - we only accept bookings using our 'Booking Forms'.
Sun-Shine Cleaning Services Terms of Service (V10) – Updated April 2024
1 - Definitions
2 - Pre-Agreed Scope
3 - Charging Structure
4 - Payment for Services
5 - Service Requirements
6 - Non-Delivery of Service & Cancellation Fee's
7 - Service Disputes
8 - Damages
9 - Pets and Animals
10 - Verbal and Physical Assaults
11 - Holiday Rental Change-Over Cleaning
12 - Key Holding Services
13 - Airport Transfers
14 - Service Withdrawal
15 - Our Team Members
16 - Maintenance Services
17 - Force Majeure
18 - Closure of Accounts
‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will provide the service as requested by the ‘Client’ in line with a pre-agreed scope. This document outlines the general ‘Terms and Conditions’ of the ‘Service’.
1. Definitions
1.‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ shall mean Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will be referred to as the ‘Service Provider’
2.‘Client’ shall mean the person or business making the booking
3.‘Pre-agreed Scope’ shall mean the service being booked in line with the service outline
4.‘Late Payment’ shall mean outstanding financial balance(s)
5.‘Force Majeure’ shall mean any situation out of either the ‘Service Provider’s’ or ‘Client’s’ control
2. Pre-agreed Scope
The ‘Pre-agreed Scope’ shall mean the agreed scope of the booking. For example, if the ‘Client’ has booked a Holiday Rental cleaning service, ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will therefore provide said service in line with the services outlined via the ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services website. Any additional services requested outside of the ‘Pre-agreed Scope’ booked will be charged as ‘extra’s’ and additional fee’s will be added.
Where 'Deep Cleans' are requested, an assessment will be made on the day of cleaning to determine if the cleaning service booked falls within the ‘Deep Clean’ scope of work or should be deemed as an 'Industrial Clean' - the cleaner will inform the client should the actual service needed exceed that of a ‘Deep Clean Scope of Works’.
All Cleaning Services: Bookings are strictly subject to availability on a first come - first served basis. Unless agreed at the time of booking, clients should be aware that none of our home cleaning services, or holiday rental change over cleaning services, include external cleaning; external cleaning is available at an additional charge which should be requested at time of booking, nor will any of our cleaners be responsible for any washing up of plates, dishes etc.
None of our cleaning services include the cleaning of trinkets and ornaments etc, items such as these should be moved to a safe place prior to the cleaning service commencing, likewise, and display cabinets and / or shelves should be emptied / cleared in advance of the service.
3. Charging Structure
‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will charge for the total agreed rate relating to the ‘Pre-agreed Scope’. All charges made are either per hour or on a set cost basis; All prices quotes are subject to IVA at the current rate.
Payments by Bank Transfer made from a 'UK registered Bank' will attract an additional transfer fee - currently 25.00€ plus IVA. UK account holders may bank transfer to any of the following;
Via by Revolut: @philipwa9s
Via our SumUp Bank at: IBAN: IE55SUMU99036510121198
4. Payments for Services & Late Payment Charges (LPC's)
Payment Time Allocation - See below for breakdown
Late Payment Charges (LPC's) will automatically be added on the day after the allocation payment period has expired, this will be at a rate of 8.00% charged every 7 days, after 21 days, your account will be frozen until full payment, along with associated charges, has been received.
On Hold and Cancelled Accounts. We reserve the right to place accounts 'On Hold' should payments not be made within the allocated time periods. During the period of 'On Hold', all services will be suspended until the account is brought up to date. After seven (7) days of your account being place 'On Hold' and payment not received by us, we reserve the right to cancel your account in its entirety and with immediate effect for which no compensation will be made for any outstanding contractual months. In the event we are forced into cancelling your account, any keys and/or other items we hold of yours, will be returned as soon as is reasonably practicable.
The terms detailed below apply to account holders only - payment is due upon completion of works for all non-account holders.
A) Private Clients: All fee’s must be paid in full upon completion of the service. Should the customer not be present on the day of cleaning, payments must be made in advance of the cleaning service.
B) Commercial Clients: All invoices and/or payment links must be paid in full within 5 days of the invoice date or link issue date unless other credit terms have been agreed. ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ and / or ‘Sun-Shine Key Holding Services’ reserve the right to made addition charges for late payment. The ‘Late Payment Charges’ (LPC) will be at a rate of 8.0% every 7 (seven) days; ‘Late Payment Charges’ will be levied on a maximum of three (3) occasions after which credit facilities will be withdrawn and appropriate action may be taken to recoup outstanding monies. Once three (3) late payment charges have been issued within a time period of 6 months, pre-payments for any service requested will be required.
Should services be ended by either Sun-Shine Cleaning Services or the 'Client', any outstanding monies owed will become due immediately and payable to Sun-Shine Cleaning Services. Any items held by Sun-Shine Cleaning Services such as documents, keys etc, will be returned upon full payment of outstanding fees.
B1 End of Commercial Cleaning Services: Both the 'Client' and/or Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will be required to give a minimum of two-weeks (2) notice to terminate any cleaning services.
C) Holiday Rental Change-Over Clients: All invoices and/or payment links must be paid in full within 3 days of the invoice date or link issue date. ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ and / or ‘Sun-Shine Key Holding Services’ reserve the right to made addition charges for late payment. The ‘Late Payment Charges’ (LPC) will be at a rate of 8.0% every 7 (seven) days; Once three (3) ‘Late Payment Charges’ within any six month period, all credit facilities will be withdrawn and pre-payment will be required for all services.
D) Pre-payments: Where clients have been issued a ‘Late Payment Charge’ on three occasions within a 6 month period, any post service credit facility will be withdrawn and pre-payment for all services will be required.
E) End of Key Holding Services Level Agreements: Upon the end of a 'Key Holding Service Level Agreement' and were the client requires the return of any keys held by Sun-Shine Cleaning Services via post, there will be a charge of 20.00€ plus IVA and postal costs at cost price - this is payable prior to the keys being despatched.
Window Cleaning: When window cleaning has been requested, please note that this will only be on windows that are accessible without the use of any kind of reach equipment such as ladders or platforms etc. and that can be cleaned without any associated risk of injury - this is a stipulation from our insurers, Zurich Insurance.
5. Service Requirements
The ‘Client’ is responsible for ensuring basic requirements for cleaning are provided; these will include adequate lighting, a safe working environment and hot and cold running water.
6. Cancellation / Amendment Charges
In the event the ‘Client’ cancels, or amends the date of service, the following charges will be made.
Cancellation Charges
5 days or more prior to delivery of the service(s) = No charge
4 to 3 days prior to delivery of the service(s) = 50% of charge applied
2 days to 1 day prior to delivery day of service(s) = 75% of charge applied
On the day of delivery of the service(s) = 100% of charge applied
Amendment Charges
5 days prior to service = No charge
4 to 3 days prior to delivery of service(s) = 10.00€
2 days to 1 day prior to delivery of service(s) = 20.00€
On the day of service(s) = 35.00€
7. Service Dispute
In the unlikely even the ‘Client’ finds reason for complaint, this should be raised to the management team within 24 hours of completion of service. Any complains raised after this period will not be considered. Complaints will be investigated, and feedback given upon conclusion of any investigation. Should the complaint be upheld, negotiations will be held with the ‘Client’ to reach an amicable conclusion. Please see: Complaint Form (opens new window)
8. Damages
All team members of ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ take the utmost care when delivering our cleaning and key holding services, it’s a fact of life that occasionally accidents / incidents do happen, ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will take no liability for any damages that may occur during the delivery of the service unless through acts of gross negligence i.e., wilful damage in which case, compensation at current market value will be made on the strict understanding any claims for compensation is made within four calendar months from the event occurring. Customers are reminded that no cleaning packages include the cleaning of trinkets / ornaments etc. and as such, we advise these be placed into a safe area by the customer prior to the cleaning process. See: 'Incident Report Form'.
9. Pets and Animals
The client will be responsible for the health and safety and the well-being of any members of staff from ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ whilst carrying out duties on your property. Any pets or animals must always be kept under control. Any attacks of any kind on any staff members of ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will be deemed as an offence and reported immediately to the relevant authorities. Compensation will be sought for any injuries or loss incurred as a result of any pet / animal attacks.
10. Verbal and Physical Assaults
Verbal and Physical assaults on any member of staff from ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If our staff feel intimidated or threatened in any way, the service will cease, and the relevant authorities informed immediately.
11. Holiday Rentals Change-Over Cleaning Services
Charges for holiday rental change-over cleans and laundry charges can be seen here; PRICE LIST
Sun-Shine Cleaning Services provide a first-class Holiday Rental cleaning service. To ensure we maintain our extremely high standard, clients are to ensure power (i.e., electricity) is provided along with access to hot and cold running water. Clients should ensure adequate bedding and towels etc. are provided to allow for a full change-over on the day of cleaning, 2 full sets of bedding and towels are required as a minimum ; Clients should take note of the terms detailed below.
A) Notice Period: a minimum 3-day notice is required for all change-over cleaning services – we may be able to offer our services with shorter notice booking requests, but this is no way guaranteed so clients should confirm our availability if within the 3-day notice requirement.
B) Guest Check In's and Guest Check Out’s: We allow a generous 45 minute additional waiting time for guests to arrive from the 'Guest Arrival Time' stated on the booking form you issued to us, after that time period has expired, and only if our staff are available to wait longer, which is no way guaranteed, an additional charge of 20.00€ per hour (or part of) plus IVA will be levied. Guests should be reminded of the importance to ensure they arrive at the property at the agreed ‘check in time’. Where multiply check in's are requested by customers which clash due to same day and same time, these will be serviced in order in which we receive them.
Meet and Greet & Check Out Charges
Day Rate: Between 05.00hrs - 20.00hrs = 25.00€
Evening Rate: Between 20.01hrs – 23.00hrs = 30.00€
Night Rate: Between 23.01hrs – 04.59hrs = 40.00€
Passport Photographs: Due to Data Protection, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will not be responsible for taking photographs of guests passports; this data should be collected by you, the client, at time of booking.
Deposits: Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will not collect any deposits from incoming guests due to insurance reasons.
Failed Check In's: Should we have to return to the property to check guests in after a 'failed' check in where guests have not arrived as arranged, a charge of 30.00€ plus IVA will be applied during our standard hours - this will be charged directly to our client who can they take the matter up with the guests. Sun-Shine Cleaning Services WILL NOT charge the guests directly.
Should our staff be booked elsewhere, they will leave the property after 45 mins from the stated time of arrival, Sun-Shine Cleaning Service take no responsibility for guests unable to gain access to the property due to late arrivals. Naturally, we will always do everything possible to assist where guests are extremely late, but we cannot guarantee our availability, nor can we guarantee any further check in slots will be available on that day.
Guest Check Out’s: Where guests fail to depart the property at the check-out time stated on the 'Booking Form', additional charges (20.00€ per hour / or part of) will apply due to extended cleaning hours being required to complete the cleaning process. It is important guests vacate the property at the designated departure time. We will not enter the property while guests are still inside, if guests fail to leave on time, we will notify our client directly who will be responsible for contacting the guests regarding the late departure. Charges will apply for additional waiting time as detailed above.
Amendments to Booking Information: Changes to guest check in times, which are shown on the booking form, will not be accepted on the day of check in - any alterations must be made a minimum of 24 hours prior to the arrival date and done so on the 'Amendment / Cancellation Form'.
Parking Charges: Where parking cannot be provided by the client and paid for parking is used; Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will recoup these charges from the client with our general charge for the service delivered.
Washing Up: Sun-Shine Cleaning Services are not responsible for the washing of any plates, pans etc. used by departing guests. Where this occurs, additional charges will apply. Guests are to ensure all washing up items are placed into dishwashers (if applicable) and set to clean.
Waste Items: Clients should inform all guests that all waste items must be removed from the premises upon departure. Our cleaners are there to clean the apartment and not act as waste removal contractors. Where waste is not removed by the guests, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services reserve the right to make an additional charge for this service.
Lost Keys / Locked Out - Emergency Call Out's: Where guests report lost keys or are locked out and request our attendance to the property, the following charges will apply;
06.00hrs - 16.00hrs = 35.00€
16.01hrs - 23.00hrs = 50.00€
23.01hrs - 05.59hrs = 70.00€
Contractors with keys: There may be occasions when you request we hand your keys to contractors who may be doing works at your property. During this period, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services do not take any responsibility for the safety and security of your keys until such time we retake ownership of said keys.
C) Pets: Due to the additional time required for in depth cleaning were pets have been present, a small surcharge will be added to the change-over cleaning fee; these are incremental based upon the number of pets;
1 Pet - 10.00€
2 Pets - 12.50€
3 Pets - 15.00€
Registered Assistance Dogs: No charges will be made for registered 'Assistance Dogs'. Evidence of registration will be required. This may include ‘Guide Dogs’, ‘Medical Assistance Dogs’, ‘Hearing Dogs’, Registered ‘General Assistance Dogs’ and Registered ‘Buddy Dogs’.
D) Payments for Services: Please refer to ‘Section 4’.
E) Laundry Service: Clients are required to provide Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will a full inventory of all beddings and towels available for use prior to change over services commencing; should this not be provided, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will take no responsibility in the event of disputes over either misplaced or missing bedding / towels.
All properties must provide a minimum of 2 full changes of bedding and towels - An 'A' set, and 'B' set as a minimum requirement. For example: 'A' set has been used by current guests, this set will be removed for laundry and 'B' set used in readiness for your next guest’s arrival, The 'A' set will be laundered and ready for the next change-over when ‘B’ set is then taken for laundry. Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will take no responsibility for any situations which may arise where inadequate numbers of bedding and/or towels are available at time of change-over cleaning thus not enough bedding and/or towels to make up the beds for incoming guests.
Soiled Laundry Items: All items are laundered in line with the label guidance - Although we try and remove all stubborn stains left on fabrics, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will not be responsible where heavy stains cannot be removed, for example, curry stains, sun oil stains, tanning lotions, hair dyes, make-up etc.
'Fit for Use' Bedding and Towels: Due to general wear and tear over a period of time, bedding and towels become unusable for use and look poor in the eyes of the guests; Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will inform our clients if items need replacing due to wear and tear or damage; it is the responsibility of our clients to ensure we have access to good quality bedding and towels for use. If poor quality items have been reported to the clients and no replacements purchased and made available to us, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will not be responsible for comments made by guests about the condition of the aforementioned items.
E1) Laundry Fair Usage Policy: Our charge for laundry is current detailed on our 'Price List', Additional charges will apply where excessive use of additional bedding and towels have been used by guests. As a guideline, each visiting guest should have laundry including;
1 Full bedding set (either single or double)
2 Bath Towels per person
1 Beach Towel per person
Included are T-Towels & Face Clothes.
Should guests require, or our clients request additional bedding / towels outside of normal quota; additional laundry charges will apply.
Long Terms Guests: Where guests have been resident long term, long term is deemed as in excess of two weeks, and additional bedding / towels have been use other than that stated above, additional laundry charges will apply.
Outdoor Furniture Seat Covers and Sun Loungers Covers are not included in our laundry service, should we be requested to clean these items, additional charges will be made.
F) Booking Alterations: Any changes to details on your booking form must be notified to Sun-Shine Cleaning Services using the 'Booking Amendments' tab on our website. Changes are only confirmed once you received an email back confirming these changes have been accepted.
12. Key Holding Services
For current charges for each of the Key Holding packages, please click HERE (Opens new page)
Any free 'Meet and Greet' and / or 'Guest Check Out' services included in your selected package are only available during our standard hours - any service outside 'Standard Hours' will be chargeable. Any property visits requested outside of the 'normal' property inspection visit will be chargeable.
Bronze Key Holding Package.
‘Meet and Greets’ & Guest Check Outs' for any visiting guests – see charges below.
Standard Rate
5.00hrs – 20.00hrs - 25.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Evening Rate
20.00hrs – 23.00hrs - 30.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Night Rate
23.01 – 04.59hrs - 40.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Silver Key Holding Package.
‘Meet and Greets’ & Guest Check Outs' for any visiting guests – see charges below.
Standard Rate
5.00hrs – 20.00hrs - 25.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Evening Rate
20.00hrs – 23.00hrs - 30.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Night Rate
23.01 – 04.59hrs - 40.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Gold Key Holding Package.
‘Meet and Greets’ & Guest Check Outs' for any visiting guests – see charges below.
Standard Rate
5.00hrs – 20.00hrs - 25.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Evening Rate
20.00hrs – 23.00hrs - 30.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Night Rate
23.01 – 04.59hrs - 40.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Platinum Key Holding Package.
‘Meet and Greets’ & Guest Check Outs' for any visiting guests – see charges below.
Standard Rate
5.00hrs – 20.00hrs - 25.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Evening Rate
20.00hrs – 23.00hrs - 30.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Night Rate
23.01 – 04.59hrs - 40.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
A 5 days’ notice period is required for all ‘Meet and Greet’’ to guarantee our availability – shorter requests may be made but availability is not guaranteed.
Key holding visits are planned within the calendar month at random dates and not on a four week cycle.
Upon the end of a 'Key Holding Service Level Agreement' and were the client requires the return of any keys held by Sun-Shine Cleaning Services via post, there will be a charge of 20.00€ plus IVA and postal costs at cost price - this is payable prior to the keys being despatched.
Should the client cancel / end the agreement due to sale of the property or other reasons, any outstanding visits will be cancelled and any funds in credit will be lost.
13. Airport Transfer Requests
Using a 3rd party provider, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services can provide transfers to either Alicante or Mercia airports. Sun-Shine Cleaning Services take no responsibility for the service provided by this 3rd party nor any liability (i.e., costs) for lost luggage, break-downs, missed flights or any loss incurred.
In the event incoming flights are delayed, this may limit our availability to provide the transfer service due to other booking commitments and/or driver hours; in which case, the incoming guests may have to use airport taxi services.
14. Service Withdrawal
In cases where Sun-Shine Cleaning Services and/or Sun-Shine Key Holding Services find difficulties in obtaining payments due from clients within the time periods details above; we retain the right to withdraw all services without notice. No refunds will be issued for any payments made should this be found to be a breach of contractual agreements with Sun-Shine Cleaning and/or Sun-Shine Key Holding Services, this will also include the suspension / cancellation of key holding agreements.
15. Our Team Members
Sun-Shine Cleaning Services invest a great deal of time and money with our team members, and we greatly appreciate all the hard work they do. There have been occasions when customers have approached our cleaners asking them to work directly with them thus cutting out Sun-Shine Cleaning Services. If this is found to have taken place, all services with that client will cease immediately and without any notice. Our Team members have a caveat in their contracts stating they cannot work directly for any clients, or previous clients for a period of 6 months.
16. Maintenance Services
Any services provided is done so by a third party and as such, any guarantees are given by the maintenance provider and not Sun-Shine Cleaning Services.
17. Force Majeure
Should either the ‘Client’ or ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ and / or ‘Sun-Shine Key Holding Services’ need to cancel the service(s) due to an ‘Act of God’, no charges will be levied by either party; this may include Government restrictions. There will be no financial penalties, or financial reimbursements, incurred by either parties should the client, or service provider become unavailable due to sudden serious illness, incapacity, or death.
18. Account Closure
Where any account has been totally inactive for a period of 12 months, the account will be closed permanently and without notice. If we hold keys on your behalf, you should make arrangements for the return of said keys.
Updated: April 2024
2 - Pre-Agreed Scope
3 - Charging Structure
4 - Payment for Services
5 - Service Requirements
6 - Non-Delivery of Service & Cancellation Fee's
7 - Service Disputes
8 - Damages
9 - Pets and Animals
10 - Verbal and Physical Assaults
11 - Holiday Rental Change-Over Cleaning
12 - Key Holding Services
13 - Airport Transfers
14 - Service Withdrawal
15 - Our Team Members
16 - Maintenance Services
17 - Force Majeure
18 - Closure of Accounts
‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will provide the service as requested by the ‘Client’ in line with a pre-agreed scope. This document outlines the general ‘Terms and Conditions’ of the ‘Service’.
1. Definitions
1.‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ shall mean Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will be referred to as the ‘Service Provider’
2.‘Client’ shall mean the person or business making the booking
3.‘Pre-agreed Scope’ shall mean the service being booked in line with the service outline
4.‘Late Payment’ shall mean outstanding financial balance(s)
5.‘Force Majeure’ shall mean any situation out of either the ‘Service Provider’s’ or ‘Client’s’ control
2. Pre-agreed Scope
The ‘Pre-agreed Scope’ shall mean the agreed scope of the booking. For example, if the ‘Client’ has booked a Holiday Rental cleaning service, ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will therefore provide said service in line with the services outlined via the ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services website. Any additional services requested outside of the ‘Pre-agreed Scope’ booked will be charged as ‘extra’s’ and additional fee’s will be added.
Where 'Deep Cleans' are requested, an assessment will be made on the day of cleaning to determine if the cleaning service booked falls within the ‘Deep Clean’ scope of work or should be deemed as an 'Industrial Clean' - the cleaner will inform the client should the actual service needed exceed that of a ‘Deep Clean Scope of Works’.
All Cleaning Services: Bookings are strictly subject to availability on a first come - first served basis. Unless agreed at the time of booking, clients should be aware that none of our home cleaning services, or holiday rental change over cleaning services, include external cleaning; external cleaning is available at an additional charge which should be requested at time of booking, nor will any of our cleaners be responsible for any washing up of plates, dishes etc.
None of our cleaning services include the cleaning of trinkets and ornaments etc, items such as these should be moved to a safe place prior to the cleaning service commencing, likewise, and display cabinets and / or shelves should be emptied / cleared in advance of the service.
3. Charging Structure
‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will charge for the total agreed rate relating to the ‘Pre-agreed Scope’. All charges made are either per hour or on a set cost basis; All prices quotes are subject to IVA at the current rate.
Payments by Bank Transfer made from a 'UK registered Bank' will attract an additional transfer fee - currently 25.00€ plus IVA. UK account holders may bank transfer to any of the following;
Via by Revolut: @philipwa9s
Via our SumUp Bank at: IBAN: IE55SUMU99036510121198
4. Payments for Services & Late Payment Charges (LPC's)
Payment Time Allocation - See below for breakdown
- Private Home Client - On completion of services.
- Commercial Clients - 5 days from invoice date (unless other credit terms have been pre-agreed)
- Holiday Rental Clients - 3 days from invoice date of payment link request.
Late Payment Charges (LPC's) will automatically be added on the day after the allocation payment period has expired, this will be at a rate of 8.00% charged every 7 days, after 21 days, your account will be frozen until full payment, along with associated charges, has been received.
On Hold and Cancelled Accounts. We reserve the right to place accounts 'On Hold' should payments not be made within the allocated time periods. During the period of 'On Hold', all services will be suspended until the account is brought up to date. After seven (7) days of your account being place 'On Hold' and payment not received by us, we reserve the right to cancel your account in its entirety and with immediate effect for which no compensation will be made for any outstanding contractual months. In the event we are forced into cancelling your account, any keys and/or other items we hold of yours, will be returned as soon as is reasonably practicable.
The terms detailed below apply to account holders only - payment is due upon completion of works for all non-account holders.
A) Private Clients: All fee’s must be paid in full upon completion of the service. Should the customer not be present on the day of cleaning, payments must be made in advance of the cleaning service.
B) Commercial Clients: All invoices and/or payment links must be paid in full within 5 days of the invoice date or link issue date unless other credit terms have been agreed. ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ and / or ‘Sun-Shine Key Holding Services’ reserve the right to made addition charges for late payment. The ‘Late Payment Charges’ (LPC) will be at a rate of 8.0% every 7 (seven) days; ‘Late Payment Charges’ will be levied on a maximum of three (3) occasions after which credit facilities will be withdrawn and appropriate action may be taken to recoup outstanding monies. Once three (3) late payment charges have been issued within a time period of 6 months, pre-payments for any service requested will be required.
Should services be ended by either Sun-Shine Cleaning Services or the 'Client', any outstanding monies owed will become due immediately and payable to Sun-Shine Cleaning Services. Any items held by Sun-Shine Cleaning Services such as documents, keys etc, will be returned upon full payment of outstanding fees.
B1 End of Commercial Cleaning Services: Both the 'Client' and/or Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will be required to give a minimum of two-weeks (2) notice to terminate any cleaning services.
C) Holiday Rental Change-Over Clients: All invoices and/or payment links must be paid in full within 3 days of the invoice date or link issue date. ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ and / or ‘Sun-Shine Key Holding Services’ reserve the right to made addition charges for late payment. The ‘Late Payment Charges’ (LPC) will be at a rate of 8.0% every 7 (seven) days; Once three (3) ‘Late Payment Charges’ within any six month period, all credit facilities will be withdrawn and pre-payment will be required for all services.
D) Pre-payments: Where clients have been issued a ‘Late Payment Charge’ on three occasions within a 6 month period, any post service credit facility will be withdrawn and pre-payment for all services will be required.
E) End of Key Holding Services Level Agreements: Upon the end of a 'Key Holding Service Level Agreement' and were the client requires the return of any keys held by Sun-Shine Cleaning Services via post, there will be a charge of 20.00€ plus IVA and postal costs at cost price - this is payable prior to the keys being despatched.
Window Cleaning: When window cleaning has been requested, please note that this will only be on windows that are accessible without the use of any kind of reach equipment such as ladders or platforms etc. and that can be cleaned without any associated risk of injury - this is a stipulation from our insurers, Zurich Insurance.
5. Service Requirements
The ‘Client’ is responsible for ensuring basic requirements for cleaning are provided; these will include adequate lighting, a safe working environment and hot and cold running water.
6. Cancellation / Amendment Charges
In the event the ‘Client’ cancels, or amends the date of service, the following charges will be made.
Cancellation Charges
5 days or more prior to delivery of the service(s) = No charge
4 to 3 days prior to delivery of the service(s) = 50% of charge applied
2 days to 1 day prior to delivery day of service(s) = 75% of charge applied
On the day of delivery of the service(s) = 100% of charge applied
Amendment Charges
5 days prior to service = No charge
4 to 3 days prior to delivery of service(s) = 10.00€
2 days to 1 day prior to delivery of service(s) = 20.00€
On the day of service(s) = 35.00€
7. Service Dispute
In the unlikely even the ‘Client’ finds reason for complaint, this should be raised to the management team within 24 hours of completion of service. Any complains raised after this period will not be considered. Complaints will be investigated, and feedback given upon conclusion of any investigation. Should the complaint be upheld, negotiations will be held with the ‘Client’ to reach an amicable conclusion. Please see: Complaint Form (opens new window)
8. Damages
All team members of ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ take the utmost care when delivering our cleaning and key holding services, it’s a fact of life that occasionally accidents / incidents do happen, ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will take no liability for any damages that may occur during the delivery of the service unless through acts of gross negligence i.e., wilful damage in which case, compensation at current market value will be made on the strict understanding any claims for compensation is made within four calendar months from the event occurring. Customers are reminded that no cleaning packages include the cleaning of trinkets / ornaments etc. and as such, we advise these be placed into a safe area by the customer prior to the cleaning process. See: 'Incident Report Form'.
9. Pets and Animals
The client will be responsible for the health and safety and the well-being of any members of staff from ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ whilst carrying out duties on your property. Any pets or animals must always be kept under control. Any attacks of any kind on any staff members of ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will be deemed as an offence and reported immediately to the relevant authorities. Compensation will be sought for any injuries or loss incurred as a result of any pet / animal attacks.
10. Verbal and Physical Assaults
Verbal and Physical assaults on any member of staff from ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If our staff feel intimidated or threatened in any way, the service will cease, and the relevant authorities informed immediately.
11. Holiday Rentals Change-Over Cleaning Services
Charges for holiday rental change-over cleans and laundry charges can be seen here; PRICE LIST
Sun-Shine Cleaning Services provide a first-class Holiday Rental cleaning service. To ensure we maintain our extremely high standard, clients are to ensure power (i.e., electricity) is provided along with access to hot and cold running water. Clients should ensure adequate bedding and towels etc. are provided to allow for a full change-over on the day of cleaning, 2 full sets of bedding and towels are required as a minimum ; Clients should take note of the terms detailed below.
A) Notice Period: a minimum 3-day notice is required for all change-over cleaning services – we may be able to offer our services with shorter notice booking requests, but this is no way guaranteed so clients should confirm our availability if within the 3-day notice requirement.
B) Guest Check In's and Guest Check Out’s: We allow a generous 45 minute additional waiting time for guests to arrive from the 'Guest Arrival Time' stated on the booking form you issued to us, after that time period has expired, and only if our staff are available to wait longer, which is no way guaranteed, an additional charge of 20.00€ per hour (or part of) plus IVA will be levied. Guests should be reminded of the importance to ensure they arrive at the property at the agreed ‘check in time’. Where multiply check in's are requested by customers which clash due to same day and same time, these will be serviced in order in which we receive them.
Meet and Greet & Check Out Charges
Day Rate: Between 05.00hrs - 20.00hrs = 25.00€
Evening Rate: Between 20.01hrs – 23.00hrs = 30.00€
Night Rate: Between 23.01hrs – 04.59hrs = 40.00€
Passport Photographs: Due to Data Protection, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will not be responsible for taking photographs of guests passports; this data should be collected by you, the client, at time of booking.
Deposits: Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will not collect any deposits from incoming guests due to insurance reasons.
Failed Check In's: Should we have to return to the property to check guests in after a 'failed' check in where guests have not arrived as arranged, a charge of 30.00€ plus IVA will be applied during our standard hours - this will be charged directly to our client who can they take the matter up with the guests. Sun-Shine Cleaning Services WILL NOT charge the guests directly.
Should our staff be booked elsewhere, they will leave the property after 45 mins from the stated time of arrival, Sun-Shine Cleaning Service take no responsibility for guests unable to gain access to the property due to late arrivals. Naturally, we will always do everything possible to assist where guests are extremely late, but we cannot guarantee our availability, nor can we guarantee any further check in slots will be available on that day.
Guest Check Out’s: Where guests fail to depart the property at the check-out time stated on the 'Booking Form', additional charges (20.00€ per hour / or part of) will apply due to extended cleaning hours being required to complete the cleaning process. It is important guests vacate the property at the designated departure time. We will not enter the property while guests are still inside, if guests fail to leave on time, we will notify our client directly who will be responsible for contacting the guests regarding the late departure. Charges will apply for additional waiting time as detailed above.
Amendments to Booking Information: Changes to guest check in times, which are shown on the booking form, will not be accepted on the day of check in - any alterations must be made a minimum of 24 hours prior to the arrival date and done so on the 'Amendment / Cancellation Form'.
Parking Charges: Where parking cannot be provided by the client and paid for parking is used; Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will recoup these charges from the client with our general charge for the service delivered.
Washing Up: Sun-Shine Cleaning Services are not responsible for the washing of any plates, pans etc. used by departing guests. Where this occurs, additional charges will apply. Guests are to ensure all washing up items are placed into dishwashers (if applicable) and set to clean.
Waste Items: Clients should inform all guests that all waste items must be removed from the premises upon departure. Our cleaners are there to clean the apartment and not act as waste removal contractors. Where waste is not removed by the guests, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services reserve the right to make an additional charge for this service.
Lost Keys / Locked Out - Emergency Call Out's: Where guests report lost keys or are locked out and request our attendance to the property, the following charges will apply;
06.00hrs - 16.00hrs = 35.00€
16.01hrs - 23.00hrs = 50.00€
23.01hrs - 05.59hrs = 70.00€
Contractors with keys: There may be occasions when you request we hand your keys to contractors who may be doing works at your property. During this period, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services do not take any responsibility for the safety and security of your keys until such time we retake ownership of said keys.
C) Pets: Due to the additional time required for in depth cleaning were pets have been present, a small surcharge will be added to the change-over cleaning fee; these are incremental based upon the number of pets;
1 Pet - 10.00€
2 Pets - 12.50€
3 Pets - 15.00€
Registered Assistance Dogs: No charges will be made for registered 'Assistance Dogs'. Evidence of registration will be required. This may include ‘Guide Dogs’, ‘Medical Assistance Dogs’, ‘Hearing Dogs’, Registered ‘General Assistance Dogs’ and Registered ‘Buddy Dogs’.
D) Payments for Services: Please refer to ‘Section 4’.
E) Laundry Service: Clients are required to provide Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will a full inventory of all beddings and towels available for use prior to change over services commencing; should this not be provided, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will take no responsibility in the event of disputes over either misplaced or missing bedding / towels.
All properties must provide a minimum of 2 full changes of bedding and towels - An 'A' set, and 'B' set as a minimum requirement. For example: 'A' set has been used by current guests, this set will be removed for laundry and 'B' set used in readiness for your next guest’s arrival, The 'A' set will be laundered and ready for the next change-over when ‘B’ set is then taken for laundry. Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will take no responsibility for any situations which may arise where inadequate numbers of bedding and/or towels are available at time of change-over cleaning thus not enough bedding and/or towels to make up the beds for incoming guests.
Soiled Laundry Items: All items are laundered in line with the label guidance - Although we try and remove all stubborn stains left on fabrics, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will not be responsible where heavy stains cannot be removed, for example, curry stains, sun oil stains, tanning lotions, hair dyes, make-up etc.
'Fit for Use' Bedding and Towels: Due to general wear and tear over a period of time, bedding and towels become unusable for use and look poor in the eyes of the guests; Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will inform our clients if items need replacing due to wear and tear or damage; it is the responsibility of our clients to ensure we have access to good quality bedding and towels for use. If poor quality items have been reported to the clients and no replacements purchased and made available to us, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services will not be responsible for comments made by guests about the condition of the aforementioned items.
E1) Laundry Fair Usage Policy: Our charge for laundry is current detailed on our 'Price List', Additional charges will apply where excessive use of additional bedding and towels have been used by guests. As a guideline, each visiting guest should have laundry including;
1 Full bedding set (either single or double)
2 Bath Towels per person
1 Beach Towel per person
Included are T-Towels & Face Clothes.
Should guests require, or our clients request additional bedding / towels outside of normal quota; additional laundry charges will apply.
Long Terms Guests: Where guests have been resident long term, long term is deemed as in excess of two weeks, and additional bedding / towels have been use other than that stated above, additional laundry charges will apply.
Outdoor Furniture Seat Covers and Sun Loungers Covers are not included in our laundry service, should we be requested to clean these items, additional charges will be made.
F) Booking Alterations: Any changes to details on your booking form must be notified to Sun-Shine Cleaning Services using the 'Booking Amendments' tab on our website. Changes are only confirmed once you received an email back confirming these changes have been accepted.
12. Key Holding Services
For current charges for each of the Key Holding packages, please click HERE (Opens new page)
Any free 'Meet and Greet' and / or 'Guest Check Out' services included in your selected package are only available during our standard hours - any service outside 'Standard Hours' will be chargeable. Any property visits requested outside of the 'normal' property inspection visit will be chargeable.
Bronze Key Holding Package.
- 1 Property visit per month with time stamped photographs from the inspection.
- Water flushing of your systems.
- Property Security inspection.
- Pest Inspections.
- Water any plants and gardens as required.
- Meter readings if required.
- Meet any contractors working at your property – see price list for current charges.
‘Meet and Greets’ & Guest Check Outs' for any visiting guests – see charges below.
Standard Rate
5.00hrs – 20.00hrs - 25.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Evening Rate
20.00hrs – 23.00hrs - 30.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Night Rate
23.01 – 04.59hrs - 40.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Silver Key Holding Package.
- 1 Property visits per month with time stamped photographs from the inspection.
- Water flushing of your system.
- Property Security inspection.
- Meter readings if required.
- Pest Inspections.
- Empty mailbox – mail forwarding service is available if required. (Charged at cost price)
- Meet any contractors working at your property – see price list for current charges.
- 10% discount on our ‘Change-Over’ cleaning prices.
- 4 free ‘Standard Hours' ‘Meet and Greets’ are included in this package' After the three free services have been used, a charge will apply, please see below;
‘Meet and Greets’ & Guest Check Outs' for any visiting guests – see charges below.
Standard Rate
5.00hrs – 20.00hrs - 25.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Evening Rate
20.00hrs – 23.00hrs - 30.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Night Rate
23.01 – 04.59hrs - 40.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Gold Key Holding Package.
- 1 Property visits per month with time stamped photographs from the inspection.
- Water flushing of your system. Additional visits may be requested at a charge of 30.00€ per visit.
- Meter readings if required.
- Property Security inspection.
- Water any plants and gardens as required.
- Empty mailbox – mail forwarding service is available if required.
- Meet any contractors working at your property – see price list for current charges.
- 15% discount on our ‘Change-Over’ cleaning prices
- 8 free ‘Standard Hours' ‘Meet and Greets’. After the eight free services have been used, charges will apply - see below;
‘Meet and Greets’ & Guest Check Outs' for any visiting guests – see charges below.
Standard Rate
5.00hrs – 20.00hrs - 25.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Evening Rate
20.00hrs – 23.00hrs - 30.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Night Rate
23.01 – 04.59hrs - 40.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Platinum Key Holding Package.
- 1 Property visits per month with time stamped photographs from the inspection.
- Water flushing of your system. Additional visits may be requested at a charge of 30.00€ per visit.
- Meter readings if required.
- Property Security inspection.
- Water any plants and gardens as required.
- Empty mailbox – mail forwarding service is available if required.
- Meet any contractors working at your property – see price list for current charges.
- 20% discount on our ‘Change-Over’ cleaning prices
- 10% off baby equipment hire (travel cot / high chair)
- 12 free ‘Standard Hours' ‘Meet and Greets’. After the eight free services have been used, charges will apply - see below;
‘Meet and Greets’ & Guest Check Outs' for any visiting guests – see charges below.
Standard Rate
5.00hrs – 20.00hrs - 25.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Evening Rate
20.00hrs – 23.00hrs - 30.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
Night Rate
23.01 – 04.59hrs - 40.00€ (unless pre-arranged terms have been agreed)
A 5 days’ notice period is required for all ‘Meet and Greet’’ to guarantee our availability – shorter requests may be made but availability is not guaranteed.
Key holding visits are planned within the calendar month at random dates and not on a four week cycle.
Upon the end of a 'Key Holding Service Level Agreement' and were the client requires the return of any keys held by Sun-Shine Cleaning Services via post, there will be a charge of 20.00€ plus IVA and postal costs at cost price - this is payable prior to the keys being despatched.
Should the client cancel / end the agreement due to sale of the property or other reasons, any outstanding visits will be cancelled and any funds in credit will be lost.
13. Airport Transfer Requests
Using a 3rd party provider, Sun-Shine Cleaning Services can provide transfers to either Alicante or Mercia airports. Sun-Shine Cleaning Services take no responsibility for the service provided by this 3rd party nor any liability (i.e., costs) for lost luggage, break-downs, missed flights or any loss incurred.
In the event incoming flights are delayed, this may limit our availability to provide the transfer service due to other booking commitments and/or driver hours; in which case, the incoming guests may have to use airport taxi services.
14. Service Withdrawal
In cases where Sun-Shine Cleaning Services and/or Sun-Shine Key Holding Services find difficulties in obtaining payments due from clients within the time periods details above; we retain the right to withdraw all services without notice. No refunds will be issued for any payments made should this be found to be a breach of contractual agreements with Sun-Shine Cleaning and/or Sun-Shine Key Holding Services, this will also include the suspension / cancellation of key holding agreements.
15. Our Team Members
Sun-Shine Cleaning Services invest a great deal of time and money with our team members, and we greatly appreciate all the hard work they do. There have been occasions when customers have approached our cleaners asking them to work directly with them thus cutting out Sun-Shine Cleaning Services. If this is found to have taken place, all services with that client will cease immediately and without any notice. Our Team members have a caveat in their contracts stating they cannot work directly for any clients, or previous clients for a period of 6 months.
16. Maintenance Services
Any services provided is done so by a third party and as such, any guarantees are given by the maintenance provider and not Sun-Shine Cleaning Services.
17. Force Majeure
Should either the ‘Client’ or ‘Sun-Shine Cleaning Services’ and / or ‘Sun-Shine Key Holding Services’ need to cancel the service(s) due to an ‘Act of God’, no charges will be levied by either party; this may include Government restrictions. There will be no financial penalties, or financial reimbursements, incurred by either parties should the client, or service provider become unavailable due to sudden serious illness, incapacity, or death.
18. Account Closure
Where any account has been totally inactive for a period of 12 months, the account will be closed permanently and without notice. If we hold keys on your behalf, you should make arrangements for the return of said keys.
Updated: April 2024